Sunday, September 25, 2022

Blog Post #5: Anti War

 After looking over both websites, and American Conservative, I feel that they both are completely different with their information being shared. Everyday the media is constantly sharing updated worldwide news, so that we are able to be updated with these major events. I personally have never heard of these websites until after reading them for this post. I can definitely say that they weren’t what I was expecting with the layout and information being told. 

My first initial reaction from the website was that I felt overwhelmed and lost by the layout and overload of information. I personally find all worldwide news through main social media platforms such as instagram, facebook, twitter, etc…By looking through this website, I am not familiar with the majority of information being shared. I never know what to believe through the media, because stories seem to be false and inaccurate. The media plays a strong role on what they want the users to see versus what they don’t want them to see. 

It is very interesting to learn in the 1800s there were no cases brought to the Supreme Court regarding the 1st Amendment.  Basically the 1st Amendment applied to the Federal Level.

Through the years, Congress started to put laws to slowly get around from people being able to express their opinions. For example, in 1914 there was a film made that upset citizens that created fights amongst each other.  The film was shut down and the filmmakers brought their case to supreme court arguing that the film should have not been shut down and they have the right to express their opinions in the film.  However, the Supreme Court didn’t agree because the film was made for business purposes that caused violence.

Another example: In 1917 the US entered WW1 and many government employees were against the war.  Therefore, Congress passed the Espionage Act which would take away your freedom to voice your opinion when you are anti-war when a war is going on and in 1918 Congress passed the Sedition Act to jail US citizens that spoke against the government. Also in 1971, a well-known newspaper wanted to express their opinion on the Pentagon Papers regarding the killing of innocent people. Personally the reason why we have not heard of the Anti War or American Conservatives is due to who controls and owns the media. That is why we do not see these websites and articles.

As we have learned previously Google and Facebook scrubs what they want us to see. In my opinion they are more socialists because they don’t allow freedom of speech when it doesn’t fit their agenda or the government in which they are aligned with.

 I wanted to share from reading some of the articles, specifically one that stood out to me in The American Conservative website written by Patrick Buchanan “Biden Commits US to War for Taiwan” this was a very interesting article which makes you think differently regarding our position with China and Taiwan.”  I am very concerned for the US to possibly engage in war and put innocent lives in danger and the threat of nuclear weapons that can destroy our country.  There is no win-win outcome everyone would lose. I wish for World Peace.


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