Sunday, September 11, 2022

Blog Post #2: Supreme Court

After having some time to reflect on the history and works of the U.S. Supreme Court, I am able to give some feedback on what I have understood. Although I have always known about the Supreme Court and how it is the highest level court system in our country, there are a few key aspects that were brought to my attention. Throughout the readings and videos, I am able to understand more about the importance this system holds. 

What stood out most was how we depend on 9 judges to make the right decisions and the power the judges have for our country.  These judges are elected by our president and must be approved through the senate. When I was younger, I was told how there are three branches of government, Legislative, Executive, and Supreme Court. I find it fascinating how the Legislative and Executive branches have a say in what makes up the Supreme Court.  The point of the 9 judges is that there is no ties and no even votes. In addition, it is extremely important when judges decide that they follow the US Constitution and do not make decisions based on their own opinions and emotions. 

The most interesting key point I learned from the reading is how there weren't always 9 judges on the Supreme Court. In fact, President George Washington elected only 6 judges in the past, however, over time it was changed to nine, because of conflicts that were affecting with the decisions. I respect the U.S. Supreme Court, because it follows our constitution and our legal process within our country. Not only is it the highest level in our justice system, but it finalizes a significant decision. Another interesting fact is that William Howard Taft was the only person to serve both President and Chief Justice.  I didn't even know that was allowed considering he served in both offices. 

The most important take-away point about the Supreme Court is how it has changed our government for the better. For example, the article had mentioned that before Warren's pro civil rights decisions, the court denied citizenship to African American Slaves in 1857 (Dred Scott v. Sandford). If it weren't for the Supreme Court, our rights wouldn't be upheld nor protected at a national level. Especially today, there are so many cases in our country that deserve the opportunity to go through the Supreme Court if it didn't workout through the state system. 

Overall, I have gained so much knowledge and respect for the Supreme Court. I feel that after reading and watching the assigned content, I am able to understand our countries government and the decisions being made. I appreciate and admire being able to watch our country evolve and change in ways that will forever benefit our people. 

Below is our Supreme Court Judges today!

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