Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blog 8: Privacy


Privacy is not only an important priority for myself, but also for my family, friends, and every other person in this world. We are constantly socializing and surrounding ourselves with people on a daily basis, so having those private moments is what makes someone feel safe and comfortable. However, our lives are always feeling invaded due to the technology of tracking devices. 

After watching the TED talk videos and learning more in depth knowledge on how our government invades our space, I feel uncomfortable. There is not a day that goes by where I am not surrounded by people and doing my day to day routine. However, my daily routines are not only including what I thought was just myself, but the government. For example, Catherine Crump has educated me on mass location tracking. This is a system where police are able to catch wrong-doing actions of people but also track each and every car that passes them at any given moment. They are able to take note of every license plate and track where you are traveling to. In addition, from tracking your daily life, this information is sent to the federal government to track each US citizen. 

Another video that caught my attention was from Christopher Soghoian discussing the tracking through our devices. I use my phone everyday as a form of communication whether it's texting, facetime, calling, or social media. What I found out from this TED talk was how our government can hear and see each conversation we have with a friend, family, or loved one. I feel even more scared, because someone could hack into the surveillance systems such as a hacker, criminal, or stalker and this could lead to dangerous situations. These people could find out any information and run with it. 

These issues affect not only myself, but my friends and family, because the world we live in could be dangerous and having our information out there for anyone to see is an invasion of our privacy. The government should not be allowed to capture our information unless they know for a fact they have evidence of criminal acts. To limit these issues, we should change our passwords often, keep our social contact limited, change our social media accounts to private only, and limit the information we put on the internet. Overall, everyone should respect one another’s privacy, so we can all feel safe and comfortable in our own lives. 

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